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Could a new Coke drink burn calories?

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 09/22/06

Coca-Cola’s feeling the burn, and not just from the ever-hot competition posed by PepsiCo.

Coke later this year plans to introduce Enviga, a green tea drink that will claim to have calorie buring powers. Beverage Digest reported Friday that Enviga will appear first in New York and Philadelphia.

The drink, developed by Coke and partner Nestle, has been in the works since last year.

As usual, Coke won’t say much about the new product, which was discussed during a meeting with U.S. bottlers in Atlanta last week.

Coke North America spokesman Ray Crockett said there was “nothing” he could say about the latest reports on Enviga.

Enviga is among many products in the works at Coke. PepsiCo, meanwhile, is developing its own host of new drinks.

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