Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Godiva has entered the market of fine, delectable ice cream bars. These babies are not the kind your kids snarf down several times each day of summer. No sirree, Jack! These are “put the coins on my eyes for I have surely died” kind of adult treats you will want to hide from the kiddies.

Certified by the OU, how about White Raspberry Chocolate or Belgian Dark Chocolate. The first one is enough to tempt us into sugar purgatory!

Now, we don’t want to upset you, but these bars are offered for a limited time and a limited time only!

Luxury does not come cheap, by the way. These bars go for $3.75 EACH (ouch!) and can also be bought in the (take out a mortgage sized) 12 pack.

Heaven, we’re in heaven………………