Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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So here we are in Austin, Texas again. Flying here became much easier with the advent of Jet Blue’s non stop, direct service. No more lay overs in strange airports with nary a kosher bite to be found.

We shopped in the Kosher store at the local HEB, and as always we marvelled at the collection of fresh meats, tasty sandwiches (although we still can’t get over pastrami and avocado combos), and a fully stocked grocery and freezer section.

Austin’s Jewish community is growing, and it is wonderful to see men with kipot and women wearing sheitels in the HEB store.

We are staying at the home of UTJ cyber rebbe Alex Herrera and his wonderful wife, Andrea. Just as a reminder, it was Andrea who gave the KN its name (it began as the Kosher Crusader, a name that drove Andrea wild. She offered to come up with a new one, she did, and the KN was born.)

We look forward to some good old fashioned Texas BBQ on the 4th of July- after all, this is the home of BBQ. We will keep you posted.