Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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It seems that the people at Agriprocessors finally have something to cheer about.

Check out this story from this week’s Kosher Today:

AgriProcessor Receives Clean Bill of Health from Professor Temple Grandin
(Postville, Iowa)
Officials of AgriProcessor were given high grades for their animal welfare practices by Professor Temple Grandin of Colorado State University, following a tour of the plant by the nationally recognized animal welfare expert. Accompanied by Rabbi Menachem Genack, Chief Executive Officer of OU Kosher which certifies the plant, Dr. Grandin inspected the facility and surveyed the various systems that are in place to assure the highest level of humane treatment of animals. AgriProcessor has been the subject of considerable criticism by animal rights activists. “It is of great importance for us at the Orthodox Union,” said Rabbi Genack, “that the kosher consuming public be reassured that all the practices associated with shechitah, the kosher method of slaughter, are carried out in a humane and appropriate fashion.We are pleased that on an ongoing basis Professor Grandin will continue to monitor the plant to assure that the standards she found there will be maintained.”