Today is March 5, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Thursday night we celebrate Shavuot. Each step that the Children of Israel took on their journey from Egypt to Sinai was one more step out of the degradation of Egypt and a step closer to the holiness of Mt Sinai.

Cheese cake and blintzes aside, we really like Shavuot. Standing in shul while the Ten Commandments are chanted in a special melody, one can’t help but feel as if s/he were standing at Sinai.

The opening words always send a shiver down our spine. We can fully imagine God speaking and the people listening. What an awesome event it must have been!

Shavuot is the holiday when God married Israel, with the Torah as the ketubah. How wonderful it is for us to, in a sense, reaffirm that vow of holiness. The message never changes- God loves us and always will love us. What greater message could there be?

Today, more than ever, the world needs to hear that message. May we all have the z’chut (merit) to spread the word!

Chag sameach!