Today is March 5, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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At first we thought Frummus was hummus for the Yeshiva and Chareidi set. We knew that things were a bit cco-coo out there, but we didn’t think that the ultra frum set now had its own hummus. Well, we were right. It ain’t hummus for frummies. Nope. It’s worse! Frummus is fruit hummus. And frankly we can’t think of a worse idea!

Mediterranean Delights introduces a whole new line of hummus products. How about: Asian Spice Hummus, Roasted Red Pepper Hummus or Avocado Lime Hummus. Of course, there are the old stand-bys: Original
Roasted Garlic Tomato Basil Lemon Pepper and Spicy Peanut.

But wait, there’s more! How about frummus? For example:

Cranberry Almond Apple Cinnamon and Peach Mango.

They even make salads:

Tabouleh Oriental Orzo Salad
Crunchy Barley Salad Quinoa- Orange Salad
Black Bean Salad Mediterranean Chickpea Salad
Cous Cous Confetti Salad Orzo Wheatberry Cranberry Salad
Curry Rice & Walnut Salad

The company is under the supervision of Rabbi Moshe Bomzer up in Albany. The company is located in Vermont.

Garden Lentil Salad

Don’t say we didn’t warn you!