Today is March 5, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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A long long time ago, the Kosher Nexus Newsletter did an article on a new (at that time) product called PINK COW. it was a caramel spread that came from Argentina. It was Kosher certified and dairy.

Other than at the show where it debuted, we have never seen the product. We tasted it at a show and it was good. Nothing that we got excited about, but our kids liked the sample we brought home very much.

Here’s our question: Has anyone tried this product? Has anyone seen this product in their various local food emporia? Does anyone out there in television land have a jar of it at home? Do you like it?

In the meantime, we are sort of like the famous poem about the purple cow (I’ve never seen a purple cow, I hope I never see one…..) except we DO want to see a pink cow!
