Today is March 5, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Watch for these new products on your grocer’s shelf real soon.

For those of you who seek a healthier pasta, try this newbie: From American Italian Pasta comes Heartland Multi Grain pasta. This pasta has seven grains, tastes good, and offers balanced nutrition. Certification is by the OU . The product also meets the American Heart Association’s food criteria for saturated fat, cholesterol and whole grains.

From Trader Joe’s comes QUICK SCRAMBLED EGG WHITES. These Heart-K certified eggs come in microwavable plastic tubs. Each tub contains enough egg for you to make a quick scrambled egg in the office microwave. Just shake the tub and put it in the microwave; nuke it and voila!

From EGGO comes FLIP FLOPS. These Eggos are really neat. One half of the Eggo has brown sugar on it, the other half has cinnamon. How cool is that??!! Certification is OU-D.

Remember Sugar Corn Pops?? If you are our age you do. You young folks out there may remember just Corn Pops. Kellogg’s dropped the word sugar when it was no longer a popular item in cereal. The cereal was parodied in Calvin and Hobbes as frosted sugar bombs. Yup, pretty accurate, too.
Well, they are baaaaaack! Now they are just called POPS, The under title is “big yellow taste… sweet puffed crunch.” Kellogg’s is making a concerted effort to bring back their old time favorites in acceptable modern form. The publicity we got had no info re kashruth. Here’s hoping that the KVH certifies it!