Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Here is a letter that was circulating around Teaneck this week. We hope you will write in to the company, too!

I spoke with a representative of Whole Foods this week at an event at
Englewood Hospital. The new Paramus store is in the planning stages and
about 2 years away. She said if there is community support for a kosher
kitchen they would consider it and since they are just beginning to plan
that store that this would be a perfect time to show that support.
She asked that any interested parties send an e mail with the Subject:
“Kosher in Paramus” and indicate your interest and support. She will
pass on the information to the corporate offices. She s aid it is not
something they get much interest in at the Texas corporate offices, so
it would be important to let the company hear from the community that it
would make good business sense in North Jersey.
Her e mail address is:
Leigh Salzberg
Marketing Dept. at Whole Foods in Edge Water

Zahava Cohen