Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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We came across this story on the web. We were able to determine that it is a true story. It concerns a group of Chareidi hackers in Israel with a mission to blot out pornography on the web.

There’s interesting news out of Israel, where a group of ultra-Orthodox hackers are waging a war against adult websites.

Apparently, the group is using hacker’s tactics: They eliminate all the content on the targeted adult website and replace it with a single photo of a stern-looking, yet revered, rabbi. According to Israeli newspaper Yedioth Aharonot, these ulta-Orthodox “sex commandos” are fighting what they see as an abomination but, so far, have only targeted adult websites inside Israel.

In one case the hackers scrapped the site’s entire contents. Instead of seeing images of immodest girls, anyone who logs onto the site encounters the other-worldly look of the white-bearded Rabbi Menahem Mendel Schneerson, the late leader of the popular Lubavitch sect.

Below his image appear the words “we, the Da-Net group, have hacked into this site and erased all its abomination.”

The group then describes the adult site as “a violation which has caused many people’s death, troubles and calamities.”