Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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So what’s all the fuss about bottled water? Did you know that the bottled water business is a $3 Billion Dollar a year business here in the USA? If you are as old as we are, you shake your head in wonder at it all. Whoda thunk that the day would come when we would pay for water in the store and not drink it free from home? Better still, whoda thunk that we would all be carrying bottles of water with us where ever we go?

So, what’s it all about, Alfie?

Benny Franklin was the first person known to import water into the USA. He placed his first order in 1785. Did he have the internet??

European spring waters have been bottled for over one thousand years.

You know that your bod is 60% water, but did you know that your brain is 70% water and your lungs are a whopping 90% water? Gives new meaning to the phrase, “You’re all wet!”

So what’s the scoop with organic water? Well, um, you see- all water is organic. According to the US Gov’t, there are two things that may not be labeled organic: water and salt. So, we use the term “certified source” to indicate that the water is indeed natural spring water, bottled at the source with minimal processing.

Always check the label: if it does not say SPRING WATER, then chances are you are getting filtered tap water. Those waters may be fine, but they contain very few of the minerals your body needs and craves.

Drink lots of water every day- your bod needs the hydration!