Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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We like coffee. Making a pot for one person, however, is a waste of good coffee. Cruising the ‘Net, we found and we discovered a whole world of options.

We bought a Keurig B40 Elite Brewer. This is one neat machine. It brews K-cups of coffee. Each K-cup produces a perfect cup of coffee. No waste, no excess.

We love the Keurig machine. It is sleek looking and totally efficient. It heats the water in just under a minute. Once the water is hot, you place a K-cup in the machine, push a button and voila- one amazingly great cup of freshly brewed coffee.

We buy the Green Mountain Coffee K-cups. They are all OU certified, and every one of them is a total winner. We have tried the vanilla caramel and the mocha nut fudge in the full caffeine variety. In the decaf department, we have tried all of their flavors.In general, we have found that all the flavors are so good, we have been drinking them without milk and without sweetener. Now that is what we call good coffee.

The best part is that we can have our one cup when ever we want. There is no wasting of vast amounts of coffee. No more burnt coffee because someone left the machine on too long. No more dregs at the bottom of the pot, because there is no pot!

We love our Keurig brewer, and we certainly love the Green Mountain coffee.