Today is March 5, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Here are some of the latest things about which you should be aware. Pay attention. There will be a quiz next week……….

7/11 will introduce Crystal Light Passion Fruit later this month. It is kosher and pareve.

The new Mountain Dew flavors (Blue Shock, AMP, Code Red, Live Wire and Pitch Black) are all kosher.

Fresca’s new Peach and Black Cherry flavors are certified kosher. (And winners in our book!!)

Full Throttle Energy Drink is bottled by Coca Cola. It is kosher, even when there is no mark on the product. Certification is OU.

The “K” on Uncle Ben’s Cinnamon Raisin rice pudding and on French Vanilla rice pudding is actually Rabbi Nathan Greenblatt. The cRc has gone on record as accepting his certification.

Quaker Chewy Granola bars with Chocolate Chips is going DAIRY. It actually may already be dairy in your area. By February, it will be dairy in all markets.

Strauss products from Israel maked OU-D will not be Chalav Yisrael. (Wow, that one took us by surprise!)

Some packages of TWIZZLERS PULL AND PELL CANDY were mistakenly labelled OU-D. The D is a mistake. The product is pareve.

Remember- as in all things- an aware consumer is a smart consumer.