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Kosher Nexus
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Continuing your bean education, we are proud to list even more beans. You might say we dedicated a large portion of the weekend to our bean research.

Cannellini beans: These babes come from Italy and are small and creamy and mild. They taste sort of like mashed potatoes.

Borlotti beans: Distinguished by their freckles and speckles, these beans are cousins to the pinto bean.

Gigante beans: These are the Andre the Giant of beans. They look like gegundo Lima beans. They are actually quite silky and have a buttery flavor.

Scarlett Runner beans: These are really pretty beans- black and scarlett in color. They are shaped like kidney beans. They taste like roasted chestnuts.

Calypso beans: Also called Yin Yang beans or Orca beans. Guess what they look like? A soft and creamy bean, they often have a metallic/fruity aftertaste.

Butterscotch beans: They are also called yellow eye beans. The bean is off white with a caramel colored spot in the middle. They are slightly redolent of sweet potato.

Anasazi beans: These are heirloom beans and are ancestors of the pinto bean. The bean is clay red and beige in color. The flavor is yeasty.

And finally we come to the soy bean. Where would we be without soy beans? Soy milk, mizo, soy sauce, tofu and tempu would all be missing from our life. Wow- thank goodness for soy beans!
