Today is March 5, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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There are a lot of beans out there on the grocer”s shelves. We figured it was about time someone figured out what all those beans are about. So here we go:

Black Beans: These black babies are also know as turtle beans. The taste is earthy. Good for salads, salsas, and rice dishes.

Pinto Beans: Often served as refried beans. These mottled pink and beige beans are slightly peppery. Best in Mexican cuisine.

Kidney beans: Shaped like your swiming pool, these beans remain tough on the outside and creamy on the inside.

Chickpea: Garbanzos in Spanish, Ceci in Italian, Nahit in my shul, and Hummus in Israel.

Lima beans: They come from Lima, hence the name. In the southern USA, they are called butter beans.
The taste is sugary.

Black Eyed peas: Eat them on New Year”s day for good luck. When you see them, you will recognize them

Flageolet: Tiny, French beans, shaped like a capsule. Color is sea green. Taste is herbacious.

Navy beans: Small, ivory white beans. Navy vessels have served them for over 200 years. They are sort of like small Lima beans. They are the base bean for Boston Baked Beans.

Stay tuned, more to come……………
