Today is March 5, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Perhaps you might recall that back in July and August of ’04, we ran a series of articles on Kosher Pets, so called kosher pet food. We even ran a letter from the cRc asking for input from us.

Well, now it is official! The cRc no longer c ertifies KosherPets pet food as kosher for animals!

Although the company’s web site still claims that they are kosher for pets BUT NOT FOR HUMANS, they do not list any certification for their products.

All along, we have been waiting for the dog paw K to appear on their product. Maybe now that the cRc no longer certifies them, our suggested kosher for animals only mark will appear on their label!

We claim no credit for this development, but we sure are pleased that the cRc no longer certifies the company.