Today is March 5, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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We live in an amazing time. We have some incredible technology available to us on a daily basis. We often look at our cell phone with wonder. We grew up in a home with but one telephone in the kitchen with an extension in our parents’ room. One line for the whole house! Pretty amazing, no? And now we can drive in our car and talk on the phone at the same time. We can listen to total strangers carry on private conversations on their phones while riding on the bus. We can hear entire movie theaters full of people yell at a rude person gabbing on his/her cell phone during a movie. Yup, times sure have changed.

Why do we bring this up? Simple. How come with all of our technology we can’t remove the bugs from produce? How come different vaadot have forbidden certain veggies? With all that modern science has to offer, we can’t wash the bugs out of our produce? How can that be?

We understand why there is a problem in the first place. What we can’t figure out is how is it possible that nothing exists that will obviate the problem?

Even better still, how come you can get Brussel sprouts in a restaurant in Israel, but here in the US, no vaad allows them? We have a better strain of bugs here? Our bugs are not as lazy as Middle Eastern bugs and will do the hard work of infesting a Brussel Sprout?

Come on, boys and girls, what’s the story here?