Today is March 5, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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“Don’t farshame yourself by not having enough food.”

Once again, the “I’M NOT MARTHA” list comes to our rescue. Lizzy (the author) went to all the trouble to answer that perrenial question:
How much do I prepare for X number of people?

Hors D’oeuvres

* 6 bites when preceeding a meal.

* 4 – 6 bites per hour when hors d’oeuvres are the meal.

* The longer your party and the larger your guest list, the greater the number of selections you should offer.

The Main Meal

* Poultry, meat or fish – 6 ounces when you have one main dish, 8 ounces when you offer two or more main courses.

* Rice, grains – 1.5 ounces as a side dish, 2 ounces in a main dish such as risotto.

* Potatoes – 5 ounces

* Vegetables – 4 ounces

* Beans – 2 ounces as a side dish

* Pasta – 2 ounces for a side dish, 3 ounces for a first course, 4 ounces for a main dish

* Green Salad – 1 ounce undressed weight


* 1 slice cake, tart or pastry

* 4 ounces creamy dessert such as pudding or mousse

* 5 ounces ice cream

* When serving two of the above, reduce each by a little less than half.