Today is March 5, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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We got this press release today and pass it along:

New Law: Foods Must be Marked Milk, Meat or Pareve
By Hillel Fendel

As of today, food may not be sold in Israel without being marked as either meat, dairy or pareve (neither milk nor meat).

A new law to this effect passed its third and final reading in the Knesset today. It was originally proposed by MK Uri Ariel (National Union) as an amendment to the Kashrut law. The original law provided only that a food billed as Kosher carry the name of the authorizing rabbi, rabbinate or Kashrut agency.

“The Ministry of Trade could have merely issued a directive requiring the new markings,” MK Ariel said, “but it did not do so. The Merchants Union complains that many Kashrut-conscious consumers
refrain from buying certain foods because they are not marked as dairy or pareve. The new law will help consumers avoid the problem of whether to buy a food because of the fear that it may contain milk or meat ingredients.”

Jewish law forbids the eating of milk products and meat products together, as well as the consumption of milk products within six hours (or three, ccording to some customs) of eating meat.