Today is March 7, 2025 / /

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Silly- it’s DECKS, of course! How could we be in Israel and not eat at Decks? So we did what most Israelis would consider to be nuts. We left J’lem at 4:00pm and headed North. We got to Decks at 6:30, left at 8:45, and were back home in Rechavia by 11:15pm. Was it worth the trip? You betcha!

As always, we were greeted like long lost family when we got there. Beautiful waitress Efrat was off for the day, so we were served by Liz Hurley look alike Elena. The very beautiful and talented manager, Yaara, took us to the VIP table and promised us a most special evening. And it was, indeed, quite special. There are new items on the menu, so we settled down for a real gourmet experience.

We started with onion loaf and salad. Next came the foie gras. Seared on the outside, soft on the inside, it was just the way we like it. We knew it was good- daughter Tali was making mewing sounds as she ate it!

Our next course was a rear quarter piece of filet. They brought a large filet (on a fire tray) to the table, sliced it and then finished it to our individual tastes. The meat was perfectly aged, and tender as could be. It was truly the best piece of meat we have had in Israel. Son in law Yoav said, “Dad, you gotta admit- rear quarter meat is a real treat!”

Our next course was a whole rack of lamb. Once again, they brought it on a fire tray and the cutter, cut the rack into individual lamb chops and finished them to individual taste. The lamb comes from Ariel Sharon’s farm, and is grown for Decks.

Next came the Mullard duck, again finished at the table to individual tastes. The sauce on the duck was outrageously good! And the duck was delectable.

Along with the meats, we had parsley garlic fries and grilled mushrooms and onions. The mushrooms were both portobello and smaller, regular ‘shrooms.

Dessert was an apple crepe and chocolate mousse. Drinks with dinner included a really superlative Israeli Beaujolais.

Yoav and Tali had never eaten at Decks. In addition, Yoav is a gourmet cook and afficionado of good food. The “kids” were mightily impressed. Tali said that now she understood our total fixation with Decks.

Dinner was not cheap. We ate a lot of food and it was very much worth the cost of the evening. Our biggest problem was that we had to drive back to J’lem that night. Had we been able to stay over in Tiberias, dinner would have easily been a good hour longer than it was. Nonetheless, an evening at Decks is always worth the trip. A Kosher Nexus Five Forks award!

Too far to drive to Tiberias from J’lem just for dinner? No way! Decks is always worth the trip!