Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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  Category: General Topics

We had been sitting on shpilkes for days now waiting for the official gov’t Peanut Butter and Jelly Statistics to be issued. Finally, here they are!

Consumers prefer creamy to chunky almost two to one- 82% prefer smooth and 44% prefer chunky.

Only 7% prefer honey roasted. Hmm, it seems we are a nation of peanut butter purists!

The most popular jelly flavor? Strawberry by 70%. Grape came in second at 61%. Raspberry and Blackberry came in at 28% and 23%. That lemon stuff with the peel in it didn’t even make it onto the statistical chart.

Finally, where do people put their jelly? Well, 96% said on bread, bagels or toast. Most said they use it without butter, by the way.

85% said they pair jelly with peanut butter on bread or crackers.

22% put jelly in their oatmeal, and 9% put it in their yogurt.

Now we can sleep soundly again- now we know the truth about all you PB and J freaks out there.