Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Parve Green Bean Caserole

Ok all of you traditionalist out there — now you can have your green bean caserole with a meat meal and eat it too! This will work for Thanksgiving! Yeee Haw!


To Begin, make the mushroom sauce:

4 T. parve margarine
3 or 4 T. flour
2 Cups Coffee Rich or Soy Milk
2 or 3 Mushroom cubes (Telma makes them)

In a saucepan, melt the margarine, add the flour 1 Tablespoon at a time, stirring constantly. SLOWLY add the parve milk, making your standard white sauce. Stir over a med high flame, until you get a nice heavy cream consistancy.

Add salt, pepper and the mushroom cubes to your taste.

Next add a LOT of sliced fresh mushrooms to your sauce. I’d say at least a pound.

In a separate pot, cook up a couple bags of frozen french cut greenbeans. Drain completely when done.

Mix greenbeans and mushroom sauce together. Pour into a lasagna type pan. Top with French fried onions (only if you can find the parve ones!). Bake about 45 min to 1 hour, until hot and bubbly and oh so yummy!