Today is February 23, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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There are two restaurants called JOY. One is a regular restaurant and the other is more of a takeout place with about six tables and a counter. The second place is called Express Joy. We ate there last night, and it was super! No, it’s clearly not haute cuisine, but the food was excellent!

One strange thing about the place- they love to put mayo on all of their sandwiches. Not so strange you say? Well, how about this sandwich: Grilled pastrami with spicy mayo, tomato, red onion and pickled cucumber? Or how about the Roastbeef sandwich with garlic mayo, onion jam, lettuce cores and pickled cucumber?

Daughter Tali and I each had the King Joy sandwich which, like all of the sandwiches there, by the way, were huge. The contents of that masterpiece were entrecote, chicken breast, Cornish hen with spicy mayo and tomato. We were not too sure when we ordered it, but we were positive when we ate it- it was totally delish!

Along with the sandwich, we ordered a side of sweet potato potato chips with maple syrup. They fry their own potato chips and serve them in a bowl with the syrup poured on top. Whoda thunk it? It was really quite good! Plus, we had never had hot potato chips before- that was neat.

We also ordered a bowl (more like a kitchen sink in size) of noodles with chicken. The mix was spaghetti noodles, chicken, spices, peanuts, carrots, stem vegetables in an “Asian” sauce. It was wonderful- hot, tasty, and filling.

Son in law Yoav had a super burger, and it was a huge sandwich, too. He ordered it with portobello mushrooms on it. His only complaint was that he expected a whole mushroom on top of his burger and instead they put slices on it. O well.

All in all, it was a super dinner. We had a super good meal, they played Beatles music in the background, and they had extreme biking playing on the TV in the back of the place. All in all, we had a great time.

Express Joy is located at 34 Jaffe Street in Jerusalem.