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  Category: General Topics

Finally, finally, finally. Some one has finally written THE book on scotch. There is so much scotch out there, and so little time at the weekly Kiddush Club, what’s a Jew to do???

For starters, buy the book: THE SCOTCH WHISKEY DIRECTORY by Phillip Hills.

Utilizing four top industry tasters who “sacrificed their time and their livers” so you won’t have to, the book reviews 265 scotches. Wowzers!!

According to a review in Saveur magazine, the book is a “straightforward, unbiased look at some of the most notable scotches on the market.”

The author of the book smartly tells us that the best scotch is the one that tastes the best to you. Smart advice!

Buy the book and you will razzle dazzle them at the next meeting of the Kiddush club!