Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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We will be off for a few days now, so before we get so busy that we forget to post, we want to take the time now to wish all of our readers a most wonderful shanah tova. May we all be written in the book of abundant life, and may we be sealed for good, blessing, health, some measure of wealth, close family ties, good friends, and a good relationship with the Kadosh Baruch Hu. May He bless us with an abundance of blessings that make for good living, and may He send birkat shalom l’olam- the blessings of peace to our world. Amen!

From all of us at the UTJ, best wishes for a shanah tovah, and a ketiva v’chatima tova. In addition, from my house to your house- shanah tova. My cast of characters all join with me in wishing that most of your dreams come true this year. We thank you for making us the biggest blog devoted to kashruth and for taking us into your heart and your home.

Have a great yom tov!