Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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So there we were, sitting around in Efrat, and we noticed that overwhelmingly, the young people all wore the Land of Israel necklace. Then we noticed that many of the of the older crew also wore them.

Frankly, we were intrigued.

What is it? It is a really neat idea turned into wearable jewelry. Ari and Jeremy, the masterminds behind the idea, collect dirt from different regions of Israel.

They then hire previously unemployed people and put them to work putting layers of different colored sand/dirt into little glass vials that are strung on a necklace of either leather or silver. The idea is that when you wear the necklace, you always have the land of Israel, literally, close to your heart.

Frankly, we love the idea. They give jobs to people who need them and they donate part of the proceeds to Tzadakah. What could be better? By purchasing a necklace, you actually get credit for several mitzvot all at the same time.

Go to the web page and order yours today. In particular, look at the info page and read about Jeremy and Ari- two exceptionally wonderful young men who have made their love of Israel their life’s work. And then order the necklace. Makes a great Hanukah gift, birthday gift, mother’s day gift, father’s day gift, or just a gift to someone who loves Israel as much as you do.

This one is a no brainer! Order yours today.