Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Chicken Tajine

This is a unique and wonderful chicken dish. Great to serve for company. Make a nice rice pilaf or even plain white jasmine rice to go with it. Add a salad and you are good to go!

Chicken Tajine

2 lbs Kosher chicken breasts, cut into nice sized cubes — about 1-1/2 inch square

? Cup Fresh chopped Cilantro
? Cup Fresh chopped Parsley
3 garlic cloves
1 T Cumin
1 T Tumeric

Rub chicken with the above mixture (your skin will turn yellow from the Tumeric and will stay that way for a while! You can wear disposable gloves if you’d like).

In a roasting pan put:

1 Can diced tomatoes
some lemon juice and rind
chopped olives (black and green)
? C chicken broth.
The chicken that you rubbed with the spices.

Cook covered at 350 for about 45 mins to 1 hour. This recipe can be doubled or tripled very easily.