Today is March 5, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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We interrupt our blog to give you some other news………….. (cue teleprompter sound effects)

Kosher Nexus Newsletter fans know her as TR2. We know her better as Tali Riva Rappoport, darling daughter of your Editor.

Friday, Tali arrived in Israel to prepare for her wedding there (b’shaah tova u’mutzlachat) at the end of August, and to settle down in her apartment and begin her life there.

Unlike all those who go to Israel under the auspices of any of the aliyah sponsoring groups. Tali went solo, and under the radar- or so we thought!

Incredible mensch and fiance, Yoav, along with his wonderful parents Mirjam and Eli, had other plans, however.

They came to the airport with a coterie of 15 people, including one guitar player, a whole lot of flowers and balloons and placards welcoming Tali home to Israel.

As she came through the doors, Tali was greeted by a large group of people (the crowd had swelled), singing and dancing. They welcomed her with song and dance! Her first moment in Israel was a remarkable moment, one that she will never forget!

This father is so proud: proud of the journey Tali has begun, proud of Yoav and his family for being so wonderful, and proud of all the people at the airport who told my little girl: Welcome Home!

May Tali be a proud addition to Eretz Yisrael!