Today is March 5, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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We got this recipe from the NY Times quite a while ago. We have made it several times, and our guests have always enjoyed it.

2 medium seedless cukes, sliced into wafer thin slices
2 Tablespoons of white wine vinegar
1 Teaspoon salt (or to taste)
1/4 cup finely chopped dill

Put the thin cuke slices in a bowl. A large bowl.
In a smaller bowl, whisk together sugar, vinegar and salt. Pour over the slices. Mish it well. Make sure all the slices are coated. Add dill. Mish once more and adjust salt to taste. Spread in a shallow serving dish. Cover with plastic wrap and put in fridge for up to four hours. Serve cold.

Our guests love it. We enjoy making it and eating it, too. Why not try it?