Today is March 5, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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We have long enjoyed the cakes produced by My Grandma’s of New England. All of Bubby’s cakes contain no trans-fats, no aritificial color, no preservatives and no artificial flavors.

My Grandma’s is certified by the OK. They have added two new flavors to their already incredible line-up of cakes. The two new ones are: Red, White and Blue Patriot coffee cake (blueberries and cranberries on top of and all through the coffee cake) and Chocolate Chip Coffee Cake. The chips just keep on rolling…… This one is loaded with chocolate chips and walnuts. MMMMMMMM!

We happen to like Grandma’s cakes very much. The other flavors are all mouth watering good, too.
So, give Bubby a thrill and try her stuff. You’ll probably love it as much as we do!

On the web, you can find them at