Today is March 5, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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It’s not Love Potion Number Nine, but the manufacturer of this product says TURN ON, a new beverage, is actually an aphrodisiac.

DISCLAIMER: This is not a kosher product, but we loved the magazine article so much, we have to share it.

TURN ON is a new beverage. It is essentially an energy drink. According to the manufacturer, the ingredients (ginseng, ginko biloba, guarana, schizandra, taurine and caffeine) will help give you a case of the “galloping chashka’im” so to speak.

The way we see it, the 28 grams of sugar and caffeine in it is what will give you a definite short term buzz. But a love potion? Do we look like Judy Holiday? (For you young ones out there, she starred in the movie Born Yesterday.)

Our verdict? It won’t last long on the grocer’s shelf. Not at $3.60 a can!