Today is March 5, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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We belong to a number of cooking sites. They are all filled with interesting chat. Here is something that we read on one list. We reprint it here with permission.

This is a letter that was sent to Dr. Praeger’s and the response it got.

I have been using your products for awhile
because they are Kosher and seem healthy.
However, I recently reread the ingredients on the fish and spinach cartons that I purchased. I noticed that cottonseed oil is listed. Recently, I have read that cottonseed oil is a “trash” oil which is high in pesticides. The explanation is that cottonseed oil does not fall within the guidelines
for food supply regarding pesticides. I would like to hear your response.
Thank you.

Hi Sara and thanks for your email. The Products you must have purchased are our Kosher for Passover variety. Our regular products are made with expeller pressed canola oil. The rabbis will not let us use any variety of canola oil for the Passover products. They have approved the cottonseed oil for Passover use. Our Production VP is looking for a better alternative and hopefully will get an approved oil before next year’s Passover production. If you have any other questions, please let me know. Ellen