Today is March 1, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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According to Kosher Today, the total amount of kosher products promoted at the Fancy Food Show was about 40% of the total amount of food. That is an incredible number.

Seriously, whoda thunk it? It was not so many years ago that kosher foods at the Fancy Food Show were a very small minority- almost unheard of. We recall when we first met the Ford family, first family of the Holy Temple of Bone Suckin Sauce, they were thinking about going Kosher. We begged them to go kosher and two or three years later, they finally did.

Nowadays at the show, companies hang up signs that say, “We are going Kosher- ask us.” Other companies post prominent signs that indicate who gives them hashgacha. Wow, what a difference time makes!

We passed the Egyptian section and noticed a rabbi in full mufti, flowing beard and all, sitting with a group of Egyptian business reps suggesting to them that they go kosher. Better still, they were receptive!

One of the best stops we made at the show was at a booth showing kosher cheese from England. That was an eye opener. We generally do not put the words England and gourmet food in the same sentence, but these were wonderful cheeses. We can’t wait until they make it over to this side of the pond!

We made some good contacts at the show, and we shall soon tell you all about it.