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Kosher Nexus
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We got a great press release from Wild Oats Natural Marketplaces. It seems that they want the chickens they sell to have a chance to sow some wild oats, or at least eat them, before their eggs get sold in their stores. As a result, they have banned eggs from caged chickens.

JUNE 10, 2005 — Wild Oats announced its commitment to only purchasing eggs from chickens who have not been caged for all 75 of its Wild Oats Natural Marketplaces in 23 states. The decision stems from discussions the natural food specialist has had with members of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS).

Though other firms, including McDonald’s, Burger King, and Wendy’s, have requested that their egg suppliers increase the size of their chickens’ cages, Wild Oats is the first to actually institute a cage-free corporate policy for their eggs.

“Demand for improving the welfare of farm animals has never been higher,” stated Wild Oats President and CEO Perry Odak. “We are hopeful that our decision not to approve egg farmers who use caged birds for our national and regional product lists will encourage the egg industry to move in the direction of phasing out its use of battery cages, and shifting toward cage-free methods that take the animals’ welfare into account.”
They had more to say, but you get the drift of it. Question: is this good for the Jews? We have no clue. Do uncaged birds produce better eggs? Once again, we have no clue. Nu? We shall see.