Today is March 5, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Remember the old poem: “Nobody loves me, everybody hates me, guess I’ll eat some worms….?”

Well, according to a story in the NY Times, soon people will have the chance to eat real, honest to goodness worms. Not us, of course, because the worms would not be kosher. Thank goodness for that!!

A new candy company puts out a line of gross-out snacks called FEAR FACTOR. Most of the products are gross but innocuous. However, they do have a carton of crunchy larvae made out of real baby worms. The worms are freeze dried and then coated with flavors. Some of the flavors include cheddar cheese and Mexican spices. YUCH!

What can we say except that we sure are glad we keep kosher. Whoda thunk it? Worms!!