Today is February 23, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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With Shavuot just around the corner, thoughts of dairy delicasies fill our head. Cheese cake, blintzes with sour cream, strawberry short cake, blintz bombe, and humongous ice cream sundaes built to reach the sky…….. this is all the stuff that KN dreams are made of.

We get a lot of private email. Much of it asking the same question over and over and over: Got a good recipe for cheese cake?

Truth be told, we got a million of ’em! (ha chi chi chah). But- do we make cheese cake for shavuot? Nope. We buy it.

Herewith our recipe for really good cheesecake:

Go to a really good kosher bakery. Buy as many as you need for yom tov plus one.

Voila! Wasn’t that easy??