Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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It must have been around Wednesday when we hit the dreaded MSP- Matzah Saturation Point. By then we had eaten more matzah than we should, and we were tired of it already. “Our kingdom for a bagel,” the kids were shouting.

Yizkor on Passover is always tough for it recalls all the empty chairs around the seder table. Thoughts of our bubby and zeydeh come to mind, and the unique contributions they brought to the seder table. All the Tantes and Fetters as well as regular aunts and uncles, the cousins, the drama of it all, growing from the kids’ table to the adult table, and on and on.

Of all the holidays, Passover seems to call up the most memories. We hope your Passover this year was the stuff of which memories are made!