Today is March 5, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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You might not have noticed, but back on March 1, 2005 the Kosher Nexus blog turned one year old! And what a year it has been. Although we started posting in February, 2004, we did not go “live” until March 1, 2004.

So here we are one year later. This web site tracks users who enter the KN blog through the direct portal. The reporting mechanism is not terribly accurate, so we rely on another counting mechanism that reports on hits via the direct portal as well as hits via the web page.

You all have been amazingly consistent over the year. We average 2000 hits per week. On an annual basis, that worked out to just under 100,000 hits this past year. Not too shabby, eh?

We can not thank you enough for your interest! You are indeed our family of dear and faithful readers. We are humbled by the trust you place in us. We take your trust very seriously.

So, as we roll into year number two, we hope you will stay on board for the ride. And we thank you from the bottom of our heart for staying with us this past year.