Today is March 5, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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According to Kosher Today, “Kosher consumers are increasingly looking for kosher certification in everything they consume as well as cleaning supplies used in the kitchen, the agencies say.”

But is that neccesarily good news? Kosher agencies need new products to endorse or else they will not make more money and grow. That they give hashgachot to products (such as laundry detergent) that do not need hashgacha is probably a good symptom of the whole situation.

The agencies mislead us all the time. They tell us that we possibly could maybe efshar take a non kosher medication, but why should we if a kosher version is available? That there may be no need for a kosher version of the medication is never mentioned.

We resent the fact that now we are being told by all the agencies that we have to take only kosher vitamins. Not so fast, Tonto!! There is ample room in the halachic system to say that vitamin pills do not need to be kosher. But they do not tell us that.

It is the Glatt bit all over again. They told us that we had to buy glatt. They said that if we buy glatt, at least the meat is kosher, but if we buy non glatt meat, who knows what we are getting? Some bitter irony on that one guys, eh?

We wrote about kosher for Passover kitchen cleaning supplies and ridiculed the need for KP window cleaner. We stand on what we wrote.

We need to tell the big agencies to back off. No more frivilous certifications!