Today is March 5, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Forgive me if I indulge myself with a bit of proud papa’s perogative.

Last evening, my daughter, Tali, got engaged to Mr. Yoav Orbach of Efrat, Israel.

At the L’chaim, the couple proudly announced that they hope to marry in August, B’shaah tova u’mutzlachat, in Jerusalem where they will settle.

We wanted to write about the incredible “Lchaim” cake we had last night, but our fabled objectivity has fled in a flood of emotions.

Instead, we shall just say mazal tov to the beautiful couple. May they merit building a bayit neeman in eretz yisrael. May they be blessed with 120 years of happiness. May their home be a mikdash me’at, filled with mitzvot, love, and mutual affection.

This proud father is crying tears of joy at the happiness his children have found.