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Kosher Nexus
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Austin is a university town. As such, it was the only blue county (Travis County) in the state. President “W” lost in that county, unique in all of Texas. Why is this important? Because of the show that goes on at Esther’s Follies in downtown Austin.

The place is a dive! Inside the main room, the decor can best be described as Merry-Go-Round garish and loud. Frankly, that only adds to the charm.

The show is a two hour revue that features music, magic, comedy, and even a touch of burlesque. The show is baudy and ebullient. We roared nonstop for over two hours!

Our faves were the viciously anti Bush skits the actors performed. They also equally skewered Democrats, too. But it was the Bush stuff that knocked us off our (stacking) chair. (Decor is decidedly cheap- stacking chairs on risers.) We had no idea that Austin is very much a blue county in a sea of Texas red. Hearing Texans laugh at “W” was more than we had bargained for!

The magic was filled with wonderful tricks and great patter. In fact, it was some of the best magician’s patter we have ever heard.

So, ok, this is a kosher blog! What kosher food did they serve. NONE! They serve no food as far as we could see. Beer, soda, water- that was about it. And you had to go out to get it from the bar area which is outside the comedy room. The sodas were kosher, the water had hashgacha, and the beer was local beer. What could be bad?

Sure, comedy revues are a dime a dozen, but this one was incredibly well done by a group of very talented performers. So, next time you are in Austin, stop in for a wonderful evening.