Today is March 5, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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We have written about the kosher store within a store in one of the H E B stores in Austin. Over time, we are happy to say, the fresh sandwiches served at the deli there have remained excellent.

Although we still find it a tad odd to see deli served with bean sprouts, alfalfa and avocado, the fact is the sandwiches are tasty and appropriately large.

What we do find really neat is the atmosphere within the kosher store. Austin is not NYC. The Jewish community there is nowhere close to being large, but it is an active Jewish community. And if you keep kosher, sooner or later, you are going to show up at the Kosher Store at H E B. So, every time we have been there we have been treated to a nice cross section of the community. In addition, non Jewish store employees eat there and well- wrapped Muslim women eat there, too.

There are bearded men, clean-shaven men, women wearing a wig, and women with hats. There are women with nothing on their head. Some women are in skirts, others are in pants. All in all, that is no different than it is in any other place. The difference in Austin seems to be that everyone seems to know everyone else and they all seem to share in the common destiny of the Jewish community there. In the course of two days there this week, we met all manner of people, and all of them were unfailingly polite and interested to hear what we thought about their little corner on Earth.

All in all, this week in Austin has been a wonderful experience. We got to spend time in the secret lair of Alex Herrera, the UTJ’s cyber rebbe. There is always something “cooking” on Alex’s puters. And speaking of cooking- there is always something great to be had in wife Andrea’s kitchen. We have had more Tex/Mex this week than we have ever had before. And you know what? We love it!