Today is March 5, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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So there you are- a box of fine chocolates in your hand. They all look so enticing. Hmmm, how can you make sure to get the ones you like, and not all the others?

Here is the official Kosher Nexus guide to picking the right chocolate out of the box:

If there’s a swirl with two loops on top, it’s caramel or buttercream.

Like nuts? Look for large lumps.

Small bumps on the surface mean you’ll likely find coconut.

Hard caramels are almost always square or rectangular.

Soft caramels are flat and round.

If it’s wrapped in foil, odds are it has a liquid center, like cherry cordial.

Nu? Once you know, it’s simple! Enjoy!
No more biting a piece and then trying to hide it back in the box!