Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Quite some time ago, we had reviewed the kosher restaurants of Vegas in the pages of the print edition of the Kosher Nexus Newsletter. At that time, we commented on the really abominable service we got at the Kosher Chinese restaurant in Vegas.

On another list where we belong, we have been reading a whole lot of negative comments about the place. Almost to a person, list members have commented on the dirty dishes and silverware, the lack of service, and poor quality of the food.

One Las Vegas resident, said she will not go in there any more. She flat out refuses to go there. And she was one of the quieter ones who commented!

Everyone agrees that the Haifa restaurant (no atmosphere, but plenty good food) is the place to go. But when it comes to kosher Chinese in Vegas, Run, Yidden, Run…….. away from that place!

They say that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but from what we read, even the residents don’t want that place to stay!

Sad, init?