Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Coca Cola recently announced, “it expects sales volume to grow by 1% to 2% in 2005 after a fall of about 2% this year.” Coca Cola Enterprises blames 2004’s slide on several factors, including soft retail sales and health-and-wellness trends that continue to pull some consumers away from regular soft drinks.

Wait, no mention of the huge price increase they tried to shove down our throats??

Coke dumped the two liter bottle and replaced it with a one a half liter bottle, but they kept the price the same as it was for a two liter bottle. And they can’t figure out why sales are down?? Let’s see: the average selling price of the two liter bottle was about 99 cents. Now they sell the one and a half liter bottle for 99 cents and no one buys it. On the other hand, two weeks ago, the one and a half liter bottle was going for 59 cents, or $1.18 for three liters. At that price, people bought: our favorite grocery store was sold out!

So how come Coke can’t figure it out???? Really, this whole thing deserves a huge DUH!