Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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It looks like another scandal is going to hit the OU. One has to wonder- at what point does the so called “teflon” hashgacha (no scandal ever seems to stick to them) begin to stagger against the ropes?

Mrs. Smith’s pies sure were good. So good, in fact, that people used to say, “Wow, this is too good to be kosher.” Well guess what? It seems that they might have been correct.

Turns out, employees of the factory where the stuff was made would substitute treif, lard-based crusts for kosher ones when they ran out of kosher crusts.

Back in 2000 and 2001 a number of kosher people ate treif pies.

The company has admitted no guilt, but they are giving $2.5 million to charity to atone for their sins.

Meanwhile back at the OU, has there been any public comment or apology for their lack of careful oversight? Nope! But then, you probably figured that one out already.

Shame on the company for the fraud. Shame on the OU for being so careless in their supervision.