Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Lite Harvest Foods, makers of the EnchantmentsTM brands of no trans fat, sugar free and low carb cookies, announced that they have received the KOF-K kosher certification and have added the KOF-K kosher symbol to their cookie packaging.

The company has this to say about itself:

Lite Harvest Foods? was created for one purpose: to bring tremendous flavor, quality, and innovation to the sugar-free, low carbohydrate cookie category.

Our mission is simple and after tasting our Enchantments cookies, you will agree that no other cookie will suffice. That’s because our gourmet, sugar-free, low carbohydrate cookies are made with the perfect blend of premium ingredients and baked to be the ultimate reward. Our cookies have changed the lives of people throughout the United States and Canada.

On the web, you can reach them at:
Sounds good to us. Let us know when you try them!