Today is March 5, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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It seems that the large kosher certifying agencies can’t resist putting their symbol on everything and anything, regardless of actual need of certification. Many years ago, the head of one such agency said to me in response to my question about certifying laundry detergent, “Should a baalebusta wash her shabbat table cloth, the table cloth that adorns her holy table, the table cloth that sits under her delicious, home cooked (it is a very old story) kosher food in a non kosher soap?”

The amazing thing is that he said it with a straight face. He was totally serious. That soap is not an issue was totally irrelevent.

Well, now along comes the Circle CRC with hashgacha on a series of kosher for Passover household cleaners.

Under the WELL DONE label, we can buy kosher certified Oil and Grease Remover, Dishwashing Liquid, Window Cleaner, Toilet Bowl Cleaner, and Sanitary Cleaning Foam. Uh, the last one removes lime deposits and mildew stains.

We don’t know about you, but we plan on kashering our windows and bathroom bowl ASAP!! We shan’t sleep a wink, no, not even a nano wink, until the windows are all cleaned and Pesachdik! Don’t even go there vis a vis the bathroom bowl cleaner!!
We can’t be sure the beef we buy is properly shechted, but we can buy kosher for Passover bowl cleaner? Wassup widdat?