Today is March 5, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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This week’s issue of KOSHER TODAY had this article about cholent:

Observant Jews who used to consume cholent for the Shabbos meal once a week, are now expanding its use. According to many retailers cholent has become a popular food throughout the week, but namely Thursday and Fridays.

In Monsey, Jews line up in a Shell gas station for the coveted cholent as do Boro Parkers in a Rio gas station and at dozens of other delis, take-out stores and restaurants. The phenomenon is also prevalent in London, Antwerp and Jerusalem. This led one cholent expert to dub the Jewish equivalent to Chili as ?the comeback food of the century.?
People buy the stuff at GAS stations??? Gives new meaning to the phrase: Eat here, get gas!