Today is March 3, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Overtures, curtain lights, this is it, the night of nights, no more rehearsing and learning our parts, we know every part by heart………. (Thank you Bugs and Daffy!)

Yes, boys and girls, it’sssssssssss show time! KOSHERFEST IS HERE!! We are going to be in Manhattan at the Jacob Javits Convention Center for the next two days. It ain’t easy, but someone has to do it, and who better than your good pals at the Kosher Nexus? Deborah, Blaze, Rabbi Lenny, I, and the rest of our usual cast of characters will be treading the aisles, tasting all the goodies, keeping notes, and looking to glom whatever we can!!

We shall return later this week. Until then: happy trails to you!